The Hindenburg Disaster
Oh the humanity! They called it "the Titanic of the sky”. It was the length of five Olympic sized swimming pools and would fly a few hundred metres above the ground transporting wealthy passengers from one side of the Atlantic Ocean to the other, and came complete with a dining room, a Sunday prayer service and even a smoking room. But it was essentially a bunch of hydrogen-filled balloons floating in the sky that could catch fire the moment they were exposed to even a small spark...which is exactly what happened on May 6th 1937, when the Hindenburg's 63rd voyage from Frankfurt to New Jersey ended in disaster. The Hindenburg was the largest airship ever built and its crash remains one of the most famous aircraft disasters in history, thanks to the graphic footage of the explosion and the chilling radio commentary of reporter Herbert Morrison. We give you just the gist, but if you want more, there's this: Watch the colourised footage of the crash from all 4 angles Watch this digital animated tour of the ship Watch some of the many, many docos about disaster Explore the websites some dedicated Hindenburg nerds set up Faces Of The Hindenburg Listen to the podcast series that points the finger at the Zeppelin company, Hidden Hindenburg Watch the episode of Mythbusters Jacob mentioned if you wanna see scale models of the Hindenburg burn (season 4, ep 3) Follow us on Insta: @justthegistpodcast Send us your suGISTions for stories: justthegistpodcast@gmail.comSee for privacy information.