About the episode
Sharks play a critical role in the delicate balance of ocean ecosystems. Yet despite their importance, shark populations are being decimated globally. The rapid decline in populations teamed with the man-eating monster stereotypes sharks have garnered over the years, have left sharks fighting for their survival. Through years of passion, Jillian and Duncan have spent their lives dedicated to spreading awareness about why we need to save our sharks and in turn, our oceans. Julia ventured to work with Jillian in 2020 to create a short film, Shark Attack which focuses on the positive impact that the Bahamas took in 2012, making their 200 mile economic zone a shark sanctuary. Paul has worked with Duncan over the years and share the stories of shark encounters and all things passion for ocean. In the background, Jillian founded Sharks 4 Kids. The goal of Sharks4Kids is to create a new generation of shark advocates through access to a dynamic range of educational materials. Curriculum, games and activities will allow teachers to integrate shark education into their science programs on an introductory, intermediate or advanced level. Students can access games, activities and info sheets to satisfy their own curiosity about sharks. Photos and videos from scientists and conservationists bring an exciting element into the classroom and show students the beauty of the ocean. Our team brings together scientists, educators, conservationists and professional videographers to create a unique opportunity for the next generation to learn why sharks need kids and kids need sharks. THE EPISODE DIRT @sharkeducation @biminisharkgirl @underwatercameraman - How did Jill and Duncan find each other? I mean… underwater? - Jillian and Duncan's baby shark has swam with sharks already! - You would never guess how many species of sharks are in the Bahamas or why… - Why did these guys dedicate their lives to working with sharks? - What is your daily routine and how long has this dream life unfolded? - Paul tells the most vile spew story from one of his dive trips to Bimini - Jill tells us why sharks are so important to the marine ecosystem - We talk the dirt on why the Bahamas made their 200 mile economic zone a shark sanctuary - the reason Julia made her Shark Attack film there in 2020 with Jill - The protection of sharks has seriously boosted the Bahama's tourism… - Mine and Paul's experiences with Jill and Duncan in the Bahamas - The role sharks play in the global marine ecosystem - - We talk the dirt on shark’s greatest threats and how this can be prevented - Are systems in place to change these threats? - Um! Why don't all countries make their economic zone shark sanctuaries?! - Conservation success stories need to provide a solid alternative for what they want to stop - there’s large factors at play here. - Favourite shark and biggest discovery in their work - Why people should give a shit about sharks! - Jill’s incredible organisation 'Sharks for Kids' - Fun facts about sharks (one shark even has a bellybutton) - Biggest threats for sharks -Does shark meat contain high amounts of mercury? Oh yeah. And it’s on your supermarket shelf. - Why would we want to consume shark meat? - Our close calls with sharks - Statistics on shark deaths - Final thoughts - the power of kids - Julia loves a good aquarium - but there’s push back here… - Find Jill and Duncan here: Shark Education See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.